Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

The weather here all week has been cold,rainy and the sky has been cloudy...It usually is sunny here even if it freezing so it's made this week so blah.Griffin and I have not ventured out very often this week so I'm hoping for some better weather this weekend and next week! I'm hering about the weather other people are experiencing and I guess I don't have a lot of complaining to do, but I guess I have to whine anyways ha ha

Last night something cool happened.It might appear trivial or even dumb to other people but to me it was a amazing-of course everything my baby boy does is pretty amazing to me :) Anyways, last night he finally realized the proper way to hold the spoon-by that I mean he realized that we don't dip the handle in the food so over and over he would turn it around and dip the cup part of the spoon in his food.A few times he actually put the food he had retrieved in his mouth-but a couple times he just had to look at the food or touch it. Of coure, it was a mess and I'm realizing he gets messier all the time (and I'm using more paper towels). My mom says that he has to experiment and that is how he learns so I guess that's what he's doing. He's feeding himself more and refusing to let me feed him so I guess he's a normal kid going through his phases.The peditrician said every baby is different and it is more of a social thing wether they allow you to feed them or refuse to let you-OK I said. She said to be glad if he eats most everything and even lets me feed him-OK I said. I'll have to post a picture of him in the midst of his food experimentation trials as I call it because it's definately funny-it just isn't funny to clean it up.But then again I never thing cleaning is fun...



W.T.G Griffin!! God, that's awesome, Kitty!!

AnnD said...

Man! He's advanced. Emma isn't even attempting that! Go Griffin go!

Kitty said...

He seems more fascinated playing with the food he gets on the spoon today lol Oh well:)

Melanie said...

that's cool! Kaia loves to hold it and put it in her food but, she won't scoop unless I help. Way to go Griff!

J said...

That is great Kitty! What a big boy!

On another note, I love the pic of him at the top of your blog!

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

it's always amazing when our kids accomplish something new!