Thursday, January 31, 2008

His favorite place

The bathtub!

That little butt

I used to get excited to take a bath too-when I had more than 3 minutes to do it ha ha It was a time of relaxation-now it's a race to see how fast I can get in and get out! But many things like that have changed-and so what.I make up for it on the weekend when Joe's around and shave the legs ya know the whole gammit-I even put makeup on ................................ I'll never forget Griffin's cute little butt for the rest of my life... small enough to hold in my hand...ha ha


Heather said...

Sam has just started to like the bath as well.
I love nakkie little baby bums. :)

AnnD said...

Aren't baby butts the best?! I literally kiss Emma's butt when I take her out of the bath. It's just so perfect!