Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It's a funny thing I've come across lately reading a few peoples blogs.I won't mention specific people but I admit reading comments from trolls took me back a little. People saying your kid should be taken from you, no wonder your kid is so clingy, you don't care about your kids, you should be put in jail. I remember the old "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" nursery rhyme and it's a lie!!! If someone says something criticizing you about something you love-especially something you love with all your heart-like your kids-the words can sting a bit. Even if the person is an immature jerk with too much time on their hands....

I always say the best approach is not to give them the attention or reaction they seem to need so much but rather turn it around and make them look like the fool they are. Easier said than done I'm sure. I mean if you have nothing nice to say why say anything but we all know some social rules don't apply to some people.My blog doesn't even rate trolls yet ha ha thank goodness I'm boring....


Heather said...

I completly agree Kitty. I have gone through similiar recently. It brought out the momma bear in me, yet when you defend your children, you are a bad parent, if you don't do anything, you are a bad parent.

Some people just have too much time on their hands and need to put others down to feel better about themselves. Its sad really.

Kitty said...
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Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

I agree!

Luckily I have not had any horrible troll comments (yet!) the closest thing i've gotten was an anonymous but respectful comment telling me basically that my kid was not gifted like I thought but just bright. Whatever, lol.

They said it respectfully but still..

Veronica Foale said...

Some people just don't seem to relate to other people nicely *sigh*.

Also, notice Trolls are always anonymous?